researcher and teaching assistant at West University of Timișoara (Department of Geography)
Phone: +40740703056
Email: alexandru.onaca@cbg.uvt.ro
Department of Geography, West University of Timișoara, Vasile Pârvan, No. 4, 300223, Timișoara
Mountain geomorphology, Applied geomorphology
- Alpine permafrost;
- Periglacial processes;
- Snow avalanches;
- Applied geophysics;
- Natural hazards;
Methods and technics in geomorphology
- Geophysical methods: DC resistivity, GPR;
- Dendrogeomorphology;
- Geomorphological mapping;
- GIS modelling;
- Research of past, present and FUTUre Lower MARos / Mureş River in relation with climatic change and sustainable management (2011–2012) – member
- Metode de analiză geomorfologică digitală şi de clasificare automată a formelor de relief în regiunile montane pe baza modelului numeric al terenului şi prin integrarea datelor de teledetecţie, grant PNII–IDEI 1075/2009 (2008–2011) – member
- Metoda complexă de elaborare a hărţii geomorfologice digitale a României prin tehnologii GIS/Teledetecţie, suport pentru implementarea directivelor europene de mediu (GEOMORF), grant PNCDI2 32140 – member
- Crearea bazei de date şi a hărţilor tematice ale domeniilor schiabile din Carpaţii Meridionali folosind tehnica SIG. Analiză, evaluare şi prognoză în perspectiva schimbărilor climatice globale, CNCSIS, Planul National de Cercetare, Dezvoltare şi Inovare – PN II, Program Idei, (2009-2011) – member
- Impactul schimbarilor climatice asupra dinamicii Holocene si actuale a mediului alpin din Carpatii Românești. Implicații în gestiunea riscului și amenajarea peisajului (MEDALP), grant CEEX nr. 738 (2006–2008) – member
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca, A., 2014, Spatio-temporal reconstruction of snow avalanche activity using dendrogeomorphological approach in Bucegi Mountains Romanian Carpathians, Cold Regions Science and Technology, vol. 104-105, 63-75, doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2014.04.005
- Popescu, R., Vespremeanu-Stroe., A., Onaca, A., Cruceru, N., 2014, Permafrost research in the granitic massifs of Southern Carpathians (Parâng Mountains), Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie (in press).
- Onaca, A., Urdea, P., Ardelean C., 2012, Internal structure and permafrost characteristics of the rock glaciers of Făgăraş Mountains (Romania) assessed by geoelectrical soundings and thermal monitoring, Geografiska Annaler, Series A, Physical Geography, 95 (3), 249-266, DOI: 10.1111/geoa.12014
- Onaca, A., Urdea, P., Ardelean, A., Șerban, R., 2013, Assessement of internal structure of periglacial landforms from Southern Carpathians (Romania), using DC resistivity tomography, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 8 (2), 113-122.
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca, A., Snow avalanche assessment in the Sinaia ski area (Bucegi Mountains, Southern Carpathians) using the dendrogeomorphology method, Area 45 (1), 109-122, doi: 10.1111/area.12003
- Katona, O., Sipos, G., Onaca, A., Ardelean, F., 2012, Recosntruction of paleo-hydrology and fluvial architecture at the Orosháza palaeo-channel of river Maros, Hungary, Journal of Environmental Geography, 5 (1–2): 29–38.
- Ardelean, Florina, Török-Oance, M., Urdea, P. and Onaca, A., (2011). Application of object based image analysis for glacial cirques detection. Case study: the Ţarcu Mountains (Southern Carpathians). Forum geografic. S.C.G.P.M, 10(1): 20-26, doi:10.5775/fg.2067-4635.2011.007.i
- Urdea, P., Onaca, A., Ardelean, F., Ardelean, M., (2011). New Evidence on the Quaternary Glaciation on the Romanian Carpathians (Chapter 24) în Developments in Quaternary Science, vol. 15 (Quaternary Glaciations – Extent and Chronology), ed.: J. Ehlers, P.L. Gibbard, P.D. Hughes, Elsevier, 305-323, doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53447-7.00024-6
- Voiculescu, M., Ardelean, F., Onaca, A., Török-Oance, M., (2011). Analysis of snow avalanche potential in Bâlea glacial area – Făgăraş massif, (Southern Carpathians – Romanian Carpathians), Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Stuttgart, 55 (3): 291-316, doi:10.1127/0372-8854/2011/0054
- Onaca, A., Urdea, P., Törok-Oance, M., Ardelean, F., 2011, Electrical resistivity measurements in sensitive periglacial environment from Southern Carpathians (Romania), Annals of DAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAM Symposium, 21, 1, Viena, 885-886.
- Urdea, P., Ardelean, M., Onaca, A., Ardelean, F., 2008, An outlook on periglacial of the Romanian Carpathians, Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara, GEOGRAFIE, XVIII, 5-30.
- Urdea, P., Ardelean, F., Onaca, A., Ardelean, M., Törok-Oance, M., 2008, Application of DC resistivity tomography in the alpine area of Southern Carpathians.(Romania), Kane, D.L., Hinkel, K. (editors), Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, p. 323-333.