Andrei ZamosteanuAndrei Zamosteanu
PhD student


University of Suceava, Universitatii 13, RO –720229, Suceava, Romania






  • Geomorphology
  • Paleolimnology
  • Digital mapping
  • Global Information Systems



  • NROM – Assesing climate variability and human impact based on the study of sediments and glacial deposits in Rodna Mountains, Northern Romania. Programul Sciex 13.341 (Noiembrie 2014 – Octombrie 2015, Berna, Elveţia).




  • Zamosteanu, A., Cristea, I. A., Mîndrescu, M – Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys on glacial deposits in Romanian Carpathians, GEOREVIEW, Conference: LATE PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE CLIMATIC VARIABILITY IN THE CARPATHIAN – BALKAN REGION 2014, At Cluj Napoca, Romania, Abstracts Volume: CBW-2014.
  • N. Rădoanea,, A. Zamosteanua, M. Rădoanea, – Sediment budget of the Știucii Lake catchment (Transylvania Plain), Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Volume 9, 2014 – Number 4.
  • Zamosteanu Andrei*1, Mîndrescu Marcel – Geomorphometry of the glacial lakes in the Romanian Carpathians, Special Issue: Interdisciplinarity in geoscience in the Carpathian basin- Abstracts Volume, IGCB 2012: University of Suceava, Romania, 18-21 October, 2012.


  • A. Zamosteanu*1,2, M. Mîndrescu2 , 2015. Utilizarea depozitelor glaciare şi a sedimentelor lacustre în studiul variabilitaţii climatice din nordul Carpaţilor Româneşti, Munţii Rodnei – Al XXXI-lea Simpozion National de Geomorfologie 21 – 24 mai 2015, Delta Dunării, Tulcea, Romania
  • Andrei Zamosteanu (1,2), Marcel Mindrescu (1), Flavio Anselmetti (2), Naki Akçar (2), Sally E. Lowick (2), and Hendrik Vogel (2), 2015. Linking glacial deposits and lake sediments for paleoclimate studies in the Northern Romanian Carpathians – Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU2015-12923-1, 2015 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2015 (prezentare PICO).
  • Andrei Zamosteanu*(1,2), Marcel Mîndrescu (2), Flavio S. Anselmetti(1), Naki Akçar(1), Hendrik Vogel (1), E. Lowick(1) and Erika Gobet(1), 2015. Linking glacial deposits and lake sediments for paleoclimate studies in the Northern Romanian Carpathians – 16th Swiss Global Change Day, Bern, Switzerland, 2015 (poster).
  • Andrei Zamosteanu*(1,2), Marcel Mîndrescu (2), Flavio S. Anselmetti (1), Naki Akçar (1), Hendrik Vogel (1), E. Lowick (1) and Erika Gobet(1), 2015. Linking glacial deposits and lake sediments for paleoclimate studies in the Northern Romanian Carpathians, CH-QUAT Annual Meeting 2015, Into the deep: Quaternary lake sediments and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, 28.03.2015, Institute of Geological Sciences, Bern.
  • ZAMOSTEANU Andrei, CRISTEA Ionuţ A. and MÎNDRESCU Marcel, 2014. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys on glacial deposits in Romanian Carpathians, poster presentation. “Late Pleistocene and Holocene climatic variability in the Carpathian-Balkan region (CBW2014)”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 6-9 November, 2014.
  • Andrei G., Häuselmann A., Zamosteanu A., Mîndrescu M., 2013. Late Holocene paleoclimatic variations in the NE of Romania recorded in a stalagmite from Munticelu Cave, Carpathian Mts., Romania (Variații paleoclimatice din Holocenul târziu în Nord-Estul României înregistrate într-o stalagmită din Peștera Munticelu, Carpații Orientali, Romania). ). Lucrarile Seminarului Geografic International „Dimitrie Cantemir”, editia a XXXIII-a,18-20.X.2013. Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi, Departamentul de Geografie, Iasi, 2013.
  • Zamosteanu, A., Mindrescu, M., 2012. Geomorphometry of the glacial lakes in the Romanian Carpathians. Interdisciplinary in Geoscience in the Carpathians Basin (IGCB Workshop), October 18-21, 2012, Suceava, Romania.
  • Mîndrescu M., Zamosteanu A., Cristea, I.-A, 2012. New data base of the glacial lakes in the Romanian Carpathians. International Conference on “ Water resources and wetlands”. 14-16 September, 2012, Tulcea, Romania.
  • Zamosteanu A, 2012. Morphometric Features of glacial lakes in the Romanian Carpathians, International Student Symposium, Invitation to Geography in Bucovina, fourth edition, Suceava, 25-27 May 2012
  • Zamosteanu A, 2012. Revaluation database of glacial lakes in the Romanian Carpathians, National Symposium of Students Geography, nineteenth edition, Bucharest, 30 March – April, 2012.
  • Zamosteanu A, 2012. Water, source of life. World Water Day, Suceava, March 22, 2012.