Assoc. Prof.
B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Phone: +40740 133 237
Email: dndumitriu@yahoo.com
“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Department of Geography
B-dul Carol I, nr. 20 A, Iasi, ROMANIA, 700505-RO
Research interest
Fluvial Geomorphology, Dynamic Geomorphology
- Techniques for estimanting sediment yield;
- River channel morphodynamics;
- Riverbank erosion quantifications;
- Sediment budget modelling and sediment delivery ratio;
- Fluvial deposits
Methods and Techniques in Geomorphology
- Quantitative geomorphological analysis of channel rivers;
- High-resolution topographic mapping (the 3D terrestrial laser scanner -TLS-).
Teaching experience
Teaching at the „Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi (1999-2013). Preparation, delivery and marking of practical work and lectures in Geomorphology (2nd year) and Anthropogenic Geomorphology to students from 2nd year to Master level.
Hirsch index and the total number of citations, cf. Web of Science (2011):
H = 2; The total number of citations = 19
Research experience (2005-2012)
- The Archaeology of the Ancient and Medieval Danube Delta: Modeling Environmental and Historical Change, PCE [0857(216)/2011]-2011-2014 – grant partner;
- Models for sediment budget assessment in relationship with anthropic impact within a drainage area. Case study: Trotus River idei [436(146)/2007], 2007-2010 – director;
- Strategii agro-silvice pentru valorificarea si conservarea biodiversitatii plantelor medicinale in contextul dezvoltarii rurale durabile pe Valea Montana a Bistritei, PNII, 2007-2010 – grant partner;
- Reabilitarea ecologică şi managementul durabil al zonelor cu terenuri degradate prin eroziune în adâncime şi/sau alunecări de teren din Moldova, CEEX, 2006-2008 – grant partner;
- Impactul variabilităţii climatice şi al intervenţiilor antropice asupra regimului hidrologic al Dunării şi al dinamicii sedimentare costiere, CEEX, 2006-2008 – grant partner;
- Impactul riscurilor hidroclimatice si pedogeomorfologice asupra mediului in bazinul Bârladului, CEEX, 2006-2008 – grant partner;
- Managementul şi securitatea ecologică a resurselor naturale din bazinul hidrografic de graniţă al Prutului, CEEX, 2005-2007 – grant partner;
RĂDOANE, MARIA, DUMITRIU D., ICHIM, I., (2006), Geomorfologie, vol. I+II, Editura Universitatii Suceava, 644 p. ISBN 973-8293-11-1
DAN DUMITRIU (2007) – Sistemul aluviunilor din bazinul râului Trotuş (Alluvial system in the Trotus River Basin). Editura Universităţii Suceava, 260 p., ISBN 978-973-666-237-9.
Rădoane, Maria, Rădoane, N., Dumitriu, D., Miclăuş Crina (2008), Downstream variation in bed sediment size along the East Carpathians Rivers: evidence of the role of sediment sources, Earth Surface Landforms and Processes, Marea Britanie, 33, 5, 674-694. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/esp.1568/abstract
RĂDOANE MARIA, RĂDOANE, N., Dumitriu, D., Miclaus Crina (2007), Bimodality origin of fluvial bed sediments. Study case: East Carpathians Rivers, Carpth.J.of Earth and Environmental Sciences, vol.I, No.2, p. 13 –38. http://www.ubm.ro/sites/CJEES/viewTopic.php?topicId=8
RĂDOANE MARIA, RĂDOANE, N., DUMITRIU D. (2003), Geomorphological evolution of river longitudinal profiles in the Carpathians, Geomorphology, vol. 50, Elsevier, Olanda , p. 293-306. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X02001940
Dumitriu Dan, NICULIŢĂ M., CONDORACHI D. (2011) Downstream variation in the pebble morphometry of the Trotuş River, Eastern Carpathians (Romania), Forum geografic, vol. X (1), pp. 78-90. http://forumgeografic.ro/wp-content/uploads/2011/1/Dumitriu.pdf
Dumitriu Dan, CONDORACHI D., NICULIŢĂ M. (2011) Downstream variation in particle size: a case study of the Trotuş River, Eastern Carpathians (Romania) An. Univ.Oradea, Geogr., t. XXI (2), pp. 222-232. http://istgeorelint.uoradea.ro/Reviste/Anale/Art/2011-2/7_527_AUOG_Dan.pdf