Phone: +40723 613 860
University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine, Bdv. Marasti, nr. 59, sector 1, Bucuresti 011464
Research Interest
Soil Erosion and associated processes, Ecological wetlands restoration, Linear erosion, Land reclamation
- Soil erosion on sloping agricultural fields and their environmental impact
- Methodology for estimating the impact of linear erosion on the hilly area agrosystems
- Forecasting methodologies of linear erosion formations
- Environmentally friendly farming practices used on sloping farmland
- Ecological rehabilitation of degraded agricultural land by sheet erosion and landslides
- Ecological rehabilitation of wetlands and biodiversity conservation.
Research projects (2005-2013)
Publications (selectiv)
- Teodorescu, R., Constantin Elena, Mircea S. (2012). Tehnici si tehnologii pentru reconstructia terenurilor degradate, Editura Universitatii Valahia, Targoviste.
- Mircea S., 2011. Impactul ravenarii asupra mediului in b.h. Slanic, Buzau. Editura BREN, Bucuresti
- Motoc M., Mircea S., 2005. Unele probleme privind formarea viiturilor si eroziunea in bazine hidrografice mici, Editura Cartea Universitara, Bucuresti.
- Mircea S. (2003), Combaterea eroziunii solului – Eroziunea in adancime. Editura BREN, Bucuresti.
- Mircea S. (2002), Formarea, evolutia si strategia de amenjare a ravenelor. Editura BREN, Bucuresti.
- Ionita I., Radoane M, Mircea S. (2006), Soil erosion in Romania related to reservoir sedimentation, in SOIL EROSION IN EUROPE, John Wiley, Marea Britanie, ISBN – 10: 0-470-85910-5
- Voicu P. Raducu D., Mircea S., Zainescu G. (2012). Research on the physical processes involved in air regime in soil, EUROSOIL 2012-4th International Congress of European Confederation of Soil Sciences Societies (ECSSS), Bari, Italia.
- Mircea S., Petrescu N (2013). Aspects regarding soil erosion control based on agri-environmental measures in the hilly areas in Romania, 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2013, Albena-Bulgaria, 505-512 p.
- Mircea S., Petrescu N (2013). Integrated ecological engineering solutions for some wetlands restoration in the Lower Prut River, 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2013, Albena-Bulgaria, 599-604 p.