
+40723 613 860
Email: smircea@usamv.ro,

University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine, Bdv. Marasti, nr. 59, sector 1, Bucuresti 011464




Research Interest

Soil Erosion and associated processes, Ecological wetlands restoration, Linear erosion, Land reclamation

  • Soil erosion on sloping agricultural fields and their environmental impact
  • Methodology for estimating the impact of linear erosion on the hilly area agrosystems
  • Forecasting methodologies of linear erosion formations
  • Environmentally friendly farming practices used on sloping farmland
  • Ecological rehabilitation of degraded agricultural land by sheet erosion and landslides
  • Ecological rehabilitation of wetlands and biodiversity conservation.


Research projects (2005-2013)


proiecte nationale Mircea SEVASTEL


Publications (selectiv)


  • Teodorescu, R., Constantin Elena, Mircea S. (2012). Tehnici si tehnologii pentru reconstructia terenurilor degradate, Editura Universitatii Valahia, Targoviste.
  • Mircea S., 2011. Impactul ravenarii asupra mediului in b.h. Slanic, Buzau. Editura BREN, Bucuresti
  • Motoc M., Mircea S., 2005. Unele probleme privind formarea viiturilor si eroziunea in bazine hidrografice mici, Editura Cartea Universitara, Bucuresti.
  • Mircea S. (2003), Combaterea eroziunii solului – Eroziunea in adancime. Editura BREN, Bucuresti.
  • Mircea S. (2002), Formarea, evolutia si strategia de amenjare a ravenelor. Editura BREN, Bucuresti.


  • Ionita I., Radoane M, Mircea S. (2006), Soil erosion in Romania related to reservoir sedimentation, in SOIL EROSION IN EUROPE, John Wiley, Marea Britanie, ISBN – 10: 0-470-85910-5


  • Voicu P. Raducu D., Mircea S., Zainescu G. (2012). Research on the physical processes involved in air regime in soil, EUROSOIL 2012-4th International Congress of European Confederation of Soil Sciences Societies (ECSSS), Bari, Italia.
  • Mircea S., Petrescu N (2013). Aspects regarding soil erosion control based on agri-environmental measures in the hilly areas in Romania, 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2013, Albena-Bulgaria, 505-512 p.
  • Mircea S., Petrescu N (2013). Integrated ecological engineering solutions for some wetlands restoration in the Lower Prut River, 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2013, Albena-Bulgaria, 599-604 p.