Assistant professor at West University of Timişoara, Department of Geography

: +40256592117
Email: mircea.voiculescu@cbg.uvt.ro;

Department of Geography, West University of  Timişoara, Bdul Vasile Pârvan, 4, 300223-Timişoara





  • Snow avalanches
  • Dendrochronology/dendrogeomorphology approachs
  • Climate changes and patterns of mountain environment


  • Natural and/or antropical hazards in mountain regions
  • Environment geography/ mountain geoecology
  • Biogeography


  • CNCSIS, Planul National de Cercetare, Dezvoltare si Inovare – PN II, Program Idei, 2009-2011: Creation of the data base and thematic maps for the ski areas in the Southern Carpathians using GIS. Analysis, up to date evaluation and prognosis within the global climatic changes perspective, Award EURO – 233000, project manager.
  • CNCSIS, 957, type A, 2004-2007: The analysis of climate and mountain environment dynamics in Southern Carpathians in the perspective of global change using the dendroclimatological dendrogeomorphological and dendroecological methods, Award 45000RON, project manager.
  • Programme d’Études Canadienne: Bourse de Recherche, Europe Centrale et Autres Pays”, 29.09.2003-29.10.2003, Award 4800 Can dollars, project manager.
  • CNCSIS, Planul National de Cercetare, Dezvoltare si Inovare – PN II, Program Idei, 2009-2011: Methods for digital terrain analysis and automatic classification of the relief in the mountain area based on digital terrain models and remote-sensed data, Projet manager Ph.D. lecturer Marcel TÖRÖK-OANCE; Award EURO – 233000, member.
  • PNCDI2 32-140, 2008-2011: Complex method for the building of the digital geomorphological map of Romania using GIS/Remote sensing techniques (GEOMORF), Projet manager: Dr. Ing. Alexandru BADEA, Agenţia Spaţială Română (ROSA); Projet manager for West University of Timişoara, Department of Geography: Ph.D. lecturer Marcel TÖRÖK-OANCE, Award Euro – 82000, member.
  • Contract de cercetare-dezvoltare şi consultanţă 8780/2008, S.C. GEOTOP S.R.L. Odorheiu Secuiesc, 2008-2011: The development of the Timis County GIS: building the geodatabases for the protected areas, hazard phenomena, the history of the county, the potential for tourism activities and natural resources. Projet manager Ph.D. lecturer Marcel TÖRÖK-OANCE; Award Euro – 28000, member.
  • Projets Nouveaux arrivants, 2009-2010, EURO-DENDRO – La fréquence des avalanches et des coulees de debris en moyenne montagne européenne révélée par l’ étude dendrogéomorphologique, Directeur Armelle Decaulne, CNRS UMR6042 Geolab, Clermont Ferrand, France, Axe 3 – Environnemnts et sociéts, Valoare 18350 Euros, member.



  • Voiculescu, M., Onaca, Alex. (2013), Snow avalanche assessment in the Sinaia ski area Bucegi Mountains, Southern Carpathians) using the dendrogeomorphology method, Area 45.1, 109/122, doi: 10.1111/area.12003
  • Rotar, A., Simon, L., Urdea, P. & Voiculescu, M. (2012), A study of institutional stakeholders’ views on biodiversity in Romania, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 2, p. 219 -230
  • Voiculescu, M. & Ardelean, F. (2012), Snow avalanche – disturbance of high mountain environment. Case study – the Doamnei glacial valley the Făgăraş massif-Southern Carpathians, Romanian Carpathians, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 95 – 108
  • Voiculescu, M., Popescu, F. (2011), The management of Snow avalanches in the Ski Areas in Southern Carpathians. Case study: Făgăraş massif and Bucegi Mountains, in (edit. Zhelezov, G.) Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions: Southeastern Europe, Springer, pp. 103-120, doi: 101007/978-94-007-0131_10
  • Voiculescu, M., Ardelean, F., Onaca, Alex., Török-Oance, M. (2011), Analysis of snow avalanche potential in Bâlea glacial area – Făgăraş massif, (Southern Carpathians – Romanian Carpathians), Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Sttutgart, Volume: 55, Issue: 3, Pages: 291-316, doi: 10.1127/0372-8854/2011/0054
  • Torok-Oance, M., Ardelean, Florina, Onaca A., Voiculescu, M., Urdea, P. (2010), The evaluation of different types of digital elevation models for geomorphological applications in mountain areas. Annals of DAAAM for 2010 & Proceedings of the 21st International DAAAM Symposium, Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria, pag. 1413-1415. Indexată ISI Web of Science, Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI)
  • Voiculescu, M. (2009), Snow avalanche hazards in the Făgăraş massif (Southern Carpathians): Romanian Carpathians – Management and perspectives, Natural Hazards, 51 (3): 459-475, doi: 10.1007/s11069-008-9281-z
  • Voiculescu, M. (2009), Snow avalanches potential and management of Romanian Carpathians. Case study-Bâlea glacial valley (Făgăraş massif)-Southern Carpathians,Proceedings of ISSW International Snow Science Workshop, Davos, pp. 53-58


  • Voiculescu, M., Popescu, F., Olaru, M. (2012), Patterns of Winter Tourism Activity in the Bucegi Mountains – the Prahova Valley (Southern Carpathians) Forum geografic. Studii și cercetări de geografie și protecția mediului, Volume XI, Issue 2 December, pp. 182-194 http://dx.doi.org/10.5775/fg.2067-4635.2012
  • Voiculescu, M., Popescu, F., Onaca, Alex., Török-Oance, M. (2011), Ski activities in western part of Southern Carpathians. Case study: Straja ski area, Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Seria Geografie, Tom XXI, no. 2, pp. 159-172.
  • Voiculescu, M., Popescu, F., Török-Oance, M., Onaca, Alex., Olaru, M. (2011), Features of ski area from the Romanian Banat, Forum geografic. Studii și cercetări de geografie și protecția mediului Volume 10, Issue 1, pp. 58-69, DOI: 10.5775/fg.2067-4635.2011.019.i
  • Török-Oance, M. Ardelean, F., Voiculescu, M., Urdea P. & Onaca, Alex., (2011), Object-Based Terrain Classification as Tool for Improving the Quality of the Digital Geomorphological Maps: a Case Study in Retezat- Godeanu Range (Southern Carpathians), Annals of DAAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium, ISBN 978-3-901509-83-4, ISSN 1726-9679, pp 0865-0866, Editor B[ranko] Katalinic, Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria
  • Török, M., Voiculescu, M., Ardelean, M., Popescu, F. (2010), The Use of the Digital Terrain Model in Analyzing the Natural Potential of the Muntele Mic – Poiana Mărului – Ţarcu Mountains Tourist Area to Extend and Plan the Ski Domain, Forum geografic. Studii şi cercetări de geografie şi protecţia mediului, Year 9, No. 9, pp. 173-180
  • Voiculescu, M., Onaca, Alex., Milian, N., Ardelean, F., Török-Oance, M., Stăncescu, M. (2010), Analysis of snow avalanche from mars 07, 2007 within the Călţun-Negoiu area, in the Făgăraş massif (Southern Carpathians), Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Seria Geografie, Tom XX, no. 1, pp. 22-33
  • Voiculescu, M. (2009), The Present-Day Erosional Processes in the Alpine Level of the Bucegi Mountains – Southern Carpathians, Forum geografic. Studii şi cercetări de geografie şi protecţia mediului, Year 8, No. 8, pp. 23-38
  • Urdea, P., Törok-Oance, M., Vuia, F., Ardelean, M., Voiculescu, M., (2009), Geomorphological Aspects of the Human Impact in the Alpine Area of Southern Carpathians (Romania), Hrvatski Geografski Glasnik, Vol. 71, br.1, 19-32
  • Germain, D., Voiculescu, M. (2007), Les avalanches de neige dans les Chic-Choc (Canada) et les Carpates Méridionales (Roumanie). Bilan des connaissances et perspectives futures, Revista de Geomorfologie, vol. 9, 17-33 pp
  • Török-Oance, M., Voiculescu, M., Ardelean, M., Vuia, Fl., Török-Oance, Rodica (2006), Considérations sur les limites actuelles de l’étage alpin du Massif de Făgăraş (Carpates Roumaines) en utilisant la télédétection et les S.I.G., Télédétection, vol. 6, no 3, Revue de recherche et d’application en télédétection, Contemporary Publishing International, pp. 205-213
  • Voiculescu, M., (2004), Types of Avalanches and their morphogenetical impact in Făgăraş Masiff – Southern Carpathians (Romania), Geomorphologia Slovaca, Číslo 1, ročník 4, Bratislava, pp. 72-81
  • Urdea, P., Vuia, F., Ardelean, M., Voiculescu, M., Törok-Oance, M. (2004), Investigations of some present-day geomorphological processes in the Alpine area of the Southern Carpathians (Transylvanian Alps), Geomorphologia Slovaca, Číslo 1, ročník 4, Bratislava, pp. 5-11
  • Voiculescu, M., (2001), Les implications sociales des phénomènes de risque en Roumanie. Tremblements de terre et inondations, Les pouvoirs publics face aux risque naturels dans l’histoire, Hesop, Publications de la MSH-ALPES, pp. 285-298