Dr. Mihai MICU
Cercetător ştiinţific la Institutul de Geografie al Academiei Române (Laboratorul de Geografie Fizică)

Telefon: +40726.560.537
Email: mikkutu@yahoo.com

Institutul de Geografie, Academia Română, Dimitrie Racoviţă 12, Sector 2, Bucuresti

Europass CV






  • Analiza morfodinamicii proceselor de versant;
  • Evaluarea susceptibilitatii la alunecari de teren (heuristic, statistic, probabilistic);
  • Alunecari de tren: corelatii frecventa-magnitudine;
  • Evaluarea hazardului la alunecari de teren;
  • Analiza, evaluarea si managementul riscului la alunecari de teren;
  • Datarea varstei alunecarilor de teren.


  • Reconstructii de paleomediu


  • EU-FP7 CHANGES (Changing Hydro-Meteorological Risks – as Analyzed by a New Generation of European Scientist),(2010-2014), membru;
  • EU–FP7 ECLISE (Enabling Climate Information Services for Europe),(2010-2014), membru;
  • EU-FP6 CLAVIER (Climate Change and Variability: Impact in Central and Eastern Europe), (2010-2014), membru;
  • CE – EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement Pan-European and nation-wide landslide susceptibility assessment,(2012-2016), membru din partea CERG Strasbourg.
  • COST Action ES1306 CONNECTEUR (2014-2018; Connecting European Connectivity Research; reprezentant national, MC Member);
  • Romanian Academy – Wallonie Bruxelles International Evaluation des risques long-termes liés aux mouvements de masse déclenchés par les séismes dans la région de Vrancea, Roumanie (2014-2015; key-person)


  • Bălteanu, D., Enciu, P., Popescu, D., C., Niculescu, Gh., Micu, M., (2004) The Relief and the Upper Pleistocene Formations within Bucharest City. Proceed. Intern. Conf. Earthquake Loss Estimation and Risk Reduction, Editors: D. Lungu and F. Wenzel;
  • Bălteanu, D., Stan-Sion, Aurora, Cheval, S., Trandafir, P., Dobre, B., Râmniceanu, V., Dragne, Dana, Micu, M., Damian, Nicoleta, Costache, Andra (2004), The Făcăeni tornado, August 12, 2002. Causes, consequences, perception and management, BSRG, serie nouă, 10 (80), CD Press, Bucureşti;
  • Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Micu, M., Cruceru, N., (2006) The 3D analysis of Valea Viei mudflow morphodynamics, Buzău Subcarpathians, Revista de Geomorfologie, Bucureşti, Nr. 8, p. 95-109, 7 fig;
  • Dragotă, Carmen, Micu, M., Micu, Dana (2008), The relevance of pluvial regime for landslides genesis and evolution. Case-study: Muscel Basin (Buzău Subcarpathians), Romania, în Present Environment and Sustainable Development, vol. 2, Iaşi;
  • Sandu, Maria, Micu, M.(2008) Morphostructure and Morphology in the Bend Carpathians and Subcarpathians. Trotuş – Teleajen Sector, Revue Roumaine de Geographie, Tomes 49-52, 2005-2008;
  • Bălteanu, D, Micu, M. (2009) Landslide investigation: from morphodynamic mapping to hazard assessment. A case-study in the Romanian Subcarpathians: Muscel Catchment, in vol.: (Editori: Malet, J.P, Remaitre, A., Bogaard, T.) Landslide processes: from geomorphologic mapping to dynamic modeling, CERG Editions, Strasbourg, France;
  • Micu, M., Bălteanu, D. (2009) Landslide hazard assessment in the Curvature Carpathians and Subcarpathians, Romania, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, Suppl.3, 53, Stuttgart, Germany;
  • Micu M., Chendeş V., Sima M., Bălteanu, D., Micu, D., Dragotă, C. (2010), A multi-hazard asssessment in the Bend Carpathians of Romania, în vol. (Editori: Glade, T., Casagli, N., Malet, J.P) Mountain Risks: bringing science to the society, CERG Editions, Strasbourg;
  • Micu, M. (2011) Landslide Assessment: From Field Mapping to Risk Management. A Case-Study in the Buzău Subcarpathians. Forum geografic, X(1), 70-77. doi:10.5775/fg.2067-4635.2011.021.i
  • Bălteanu, B., Micu, M. (2012) Morphodynamics of the Chirleşti mudflow (Buzău Mountains), Romanian Journal of Geography, volume 56, (2);Micu, M., Bălteanu, D. (2013) A deep-seated landslide dam in the Siriu Reservoir, Bend Carpathians–Romania, Landslides, June 2013, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp 323-329, DOI 0.1007/s10346-013-0382-8
  • Micu, M., Bălteanu, D., Micu, D., Zarea, R., Ruţă, R. (2013) 2010-landslides in the Romanian Curvature Carpathians, in vol. Loczy, D. (Editor) Extreme Weather and Geomorphology, p 251-265, Springer Verlag, 2013. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6301-2.
  • Micu, M., Bălteanu, D. (2013) The Impact of Deep-Seated Landslides on Reservoirs and Rivers in Vrancea Seismic Region, în Vol. Margotini, Canuti, Sassa (Editors) Landslide Science and Practice, Vol.6: Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation, p. 117-123, Springer Verlag, 2013, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-31319-6.
  • Hussin. H., Zumpano, V., Reichenbach, P., Sterlacchini, S., Micu, M., Van Westen, C.J., Balteanu, D. (2014) The effect of landslide representation and sample size on susceptibility assessments applied to different landslide types and case study areas; Proceedings of the International Conference Analysis and Management of Changing Risks for Nat. Hazards, p.113-123, 705 p.
  • Damen, M. Micu, M., Zumpano, V., Van Westen, C.J., Sijmons, K. and Balteanu, D. (2014) Landslide mapping and interpretation: implications for landslide susceptibility analysis in discontinuous data environment, Proceedings of the International Conference Analysis and Management of Changing Risks for Natural Hazards, p.177-186, 705 p.
  • Riedmann, M., Bindrich, M., Damen, M., Van Westen, C.J., Micu, M. (2014) Generating a landslide inventory map using stereo photo interpretation and radar interferometry techniques, a case study from the Buzau area, Romania, Proceedings of the International Conference Analysis and Management of Changing Risks for Natural Hazards, p.571-577, 705 p.
  • Hussin, H., Zumpano, V., Sterlacchini, S., Reichenbach, P., Van Westen, C.J., Bălteanu, D., Micu, M. (2014). Landslide representation and sampling in grid-based susceptibility models: review and appliction, (in print, Geomorphology)
  • Micu, M., Jurchescu, M., Micu, D., Zarea, R., Zumpano, V., Bălteanu, D. (2014) A morphogenetic insight into a multi-hazard analysis: Bâsca Mare landslide dam, Landslides, DOI 10.1007/s10346-014-0519-4
  • Zumpano, V., Hussin, H., Reichenbach, P., Bãlteanu, D., Micu, M., Sterlacchini, S. (2014) A landslide susceptibility analysis for Buzãu County, Romania, Revue Roumaine de Geographie/Romanian Journal of Geography, Vol. 58 (1)


  • Editor: Landslides (Springer, I.F. 2.8); Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (Wiley, I.F. 2.7); Guest-editor: Engineering Geology (Elsevier, I.F. 2.3); Reviewer: Landslides (Springer, I.F. 2.8), Natural Hazards (Springer, I.F. 1.9), Journal of Maps (Taylor and Francis, I.F. 0.7), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (EGU, I.F. 1.7), Environmental Earth Sciences (Springer, I.F. 1.5), The Geological Society – Special Publications; Revista de geomorfologie (CNCSIS B+, BDI).
  • Cercetator invitat (Februarie-Aprilie 2006), Universitatea din Bonn; Lector invitat (Februarie 2010) Universitatea din Uppsala; Cercetator invitat (Iunie 2010) la Statiunea de Cercetari de la Abisko a Academiei Regale a Suediei; Lector asociat (Martie-August 2012) la Universitatea din Vienna;
  • Co-convener (Prof. Mauro Soldati, Univ. Modena, Prof. Jordi Corominas, Univ Barcelona) al sesiunii Hillslope Processes and Mass Movements, International Conference on Geomorphology, Paris, 2013; co-convener (Dr. Paola Reichenbach, CNR-IRPI Perugia, Dr. Andreas Gunther, Geological Survey of Germany) al sesiunii NH3.11 Quality and reliability of landslide hazard and risk assessment, EGU 2014, Viena; co-convener (Dr. Paola Reichenbach, CNR-IRPI Perugia, Dr. Andreas Gunther, Geological Survey of Germany) al sesiunii NH3.11 Uncertainty assessment and quality evaluation in landslide hazard and risk assessment, EGU 2015, Viena; convener al sesiunii Forecasting future changes in hydro-meteorological hazards, International Conference Analysis and Management of Changing Risks for Natural Hazards, 2014, Padova, Italy; co-convener (Prof. Mauro Soldati, Univ. Modena) al sesiunii Landslide hazard and risk in changing Europe, International Congress on the Geography of Europe EUGEO-Convergences and Divergences of Geography in Europe, 2015, Budapest; co-convener (Dr. Paola Reichenbach, CNR-IRPI Perugia, Dr. Andreas Gunther, Geological Survey of Germany) al sesiunii NH3.11 Quality and reliability of landslide hazard and risk assessment, EGU 2015.
  • Co-Chairman, International Association of Geomorphologists Working Group Geomorphological Hazards – IAGeomhaz, 2015-2017; European Geosciences Union (EGU; membru); CERG (European Centre on Geomorphological Risks, Strasbourg; membru).